Do you need someone to translate your book or a shorter text?
C.E.O. Rannveig Larsen Austad have a Master in Comparative Literature and a Master in Culture Management, among other academic degrees in Humanities and Social Science. She is also a member of the The Norwegian Non-Fiction Writers and Translators Association (NFFO) link:
C.E.O. Rannveig Larsen Austad:
Rannveig Larsen Austad has translated several books and can provide translation from English, Swedish and Danish to Norwegian (bokmål).
We work for various publishing houses in Norway with fiction or non-fiction books and help authors/debutants or well-established writers.
Rettkonsulent do not perform proofreading, or other services in English than translation – as described above – at the moment. These are the services Rettkonsulent provides in Norwegian:
Korrekturlesing (Proofreading level 1)
Språkvask (Proofreading level 2)
Manusløft (Totalt script review)
Konsulentuttalelse (Literature review)
Oversettelse (Translation)
Redaksjonelle tjenester for forlag (Editorial services for Publishing Houses)